The research aims to investigate the normative levels of young men in the field of basketball defensive skills and establish performance criteria for youth in some basketball defensive skills. The research sample consisted of 105 young basketball players from 8 clubs in Iraq. The defensive skills and their tests in basketball were identified, based on studies that focused on the most researched skills in the scientific field of basketball, including their tests. These recent studies, applied to a similar sample in the Iraqi environment, helped in determining the defensive skills and tests under investigation, which include defense against pivoting, test of defense against pivoting, defense against passing, test of defense against passing, defense against jump scoring, test of defense against jump scoring from inside the three-point arc, defense against layup scoring, test of defense against layup scoring, and defensive rebounding (defensive following), test of defensive rebounding (defensive following). Scientific tests were adopted, and the researcher conducted scientific procedures for the tests, including validity, reliability, and objectivity. Subsequently, the researcher utilized the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences to extract results, leading to conclusions that determined the normative scores for the defensive skill tests of young basketball players. Consequently, criteria were established for these skills, achieving high percentages in both above-average and below-average levels. The research recommendations include focusing on standardized tests as an objective means to assess the athletic performance of players. Coaches should utilize the study's results in planning and implementing training programs. It is advised to repeat such studies every two years to monitor the development of players' abilities and levels.